An Celtlyver

Hafan / Baile

Cymraeg / English

Aelodau / Members

Twitch, An Celtlyver

Adnoddau ieithoedd Celtaidd modern a marw. Resources for modern and extinct Celtic languages.

Cymraeg, Gaeilge, Kernewek, English

Cylch We Ieithoedd Celtaidd Modern


Bwriadau'r Cylch We Ieithoedd Celtaidd Modern yw:

Ymuno â'r cylch we

Anghenion ymuno:

Gwefannau'n unig. Does dim modd rhoi widget y cylch we ar gyfryngau cymdeithasau megis Twitter, Facebook, ayyb.

Rhaid i chi ddefnyddio un o'r ieithoedd Celtaidd o leiaf rhywle ar eich gwefan, sef Cymraeg, Gaeilge, Gàidhlig, Brezhoneg, Gaelg, a/neu Kernewek (mae unrhyw orgraff Cernyweg yn iawn). Does dim rhaid bod yn siaradwr rhugl, jysd rhywun sy'n fodlon i ddefnyddio'r ieithoedd Celtaidd er y we. Does dim rhaid i'ch holl wefan mewn iaith Celtaidd, ond dylai'r cynnwys yn amlwg ac hawdd i gyrchu oddi wrth eich tudalen hafan.

Does dim rhaid i'ch gwefan ganolbwyntio ar bethau Celtaidd yn unig. Mae cynnwys eich gwefan yn gallu bod yn fron unrhyw beth: adnoddau ieithoedd Celtaidd, blogio personol, adolygu ffilmia, neu beth bynnag dych chi'n wneud. Mae gwefannau 18+ yn cael eu caniatáu, cyhyd â bod rhybudd amlwg ar eich hafan ar gyfer y cynnwys oedolion. Dyw gwefannau sy'n cynnwys dallbleidiaeth ddim yn cael eu caniatáu.

Does dim rhaid i chi ddod o wlad Geltaidd. Mae unrhyw siaradwyr a dysgwyr ieithoedd Celtaidd yn gallu ymuno.

Sut i ymuno:

1. Rhowch y cod isod i mewn i'ch hafan, neu rhywle arall ar eich gwefan sy'n hawdd i gyrchu megis tudalen dolennau. Fydd y cylch we ddim yn gweithio os bydd hi'n galed i ddod o hyd i'r widget.

2. Cwblhewch y ffurf isod ac anfonwch hi at!


Gallai fod cwpl o ddyddiau/wythnosau cyn i chi gael eich ychwanegu at y cylch we, achos bod y cylch we'n cael ei rheoli gan un berson yn unig.

Anfonwch e-bost eto os dych chi angen diweddaru eich manylion!

Mae'r .json ffeil rhestr gwefannau ar gael yma. Dych chi'n gallu gweld ffeil .js y cylch we yma. Mae'r Cylch We Ieithoedd Celtaidd Modern yn defnyddio webstring.js.

The Modern Celtic Languages Webring


The Modern Celtic Languages Webring aims to:

Join the webring

Requirements to join:

Websites only. There isn't a way to embed the webring widget on social media like Twitter, Facebook, etc.

You must use at least one of the six modern Celtic languages somewhere on your site, i.e. Cymraeg, Gaeilge, Gàidhlig, Brezhoneg, Gaelg, and/or Kernewek (note that any orthography for Kernewek is fine). You do not have to be a fluent speaker, just someone who is willing to use the Celtic languages on the web. Your entire site does not need to be in a Celtic language, but ieally your Celtic language content should be obvious and easy to access from your homepage.

Your site does not have to be focused on just Celtic-related things. The content of your site can be pretty much anything: from Celtic language resources, to personal blogging, film reviews, and whatever else it is that you do. 18+ websites are allowed, as long as your homepage has a clear warning that you have adult content on your site. Sites containing hatespeech and bigotry will not be allowed.

You do not have to be from a Celtic nation. Any Celtic language speakers and learners are welcome.

How to join:

1. Embed the following code into your homepage, or somewhere else easily accessible on your website like a links page. The webring won't work if the widget is hard to find.

2. Fill in the form below and e-mail it to!


It may take a couple of days/weeks for you to be added to the webring, since the webring is managed by just the one person.

If you ever need your details updated, then please e-mail again!

The site array is available as a .json file here. View the .js file for the webring here. The Modern Celtic Languages Webring uses webstring.js.