www.scotslanguage.com/Education/Learning_Scots - Posts on learning Scots, information about Scots, and posts written in Scots.
dsl.ac.uk - Online dictionary.
omniglot.com/writing/scots.htm - Vocabulary and phrases, as well as some information about the language and a list of learning resources.
www.open.edu/openlearncreate/course/index.php?categoryid=382 - Two online courses, beginner and intermediate.
www.scots-online.org/grammar/index.php - Scots grammar/lessons, dictionary, and information about the language.
www.ulsterscotsacademy.com - Information, texts, audio, dictionaries, research, and more.
www.ulsterscotslanguage.com - Information, text, books, etc.
Lallans folder:
Ulstèr-Scotch folder: